Lifelong Learn. 2013, 3, 8-22

Institutional Education of Teachers of Technical Subjects

Pavel Andres, Alena Vališová

České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Masarykův ústav vyšších studií, Katedra inženýrské pedagogiky, Kolejní 2637/2a, 160 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic

Technical teacher education is highly relevant from many perspectives nowadays. Educational reform has brought a number of changes, including legislative measures. The end of 2014 is a milestone, bringing the duty of every teacher/educator to commence studies to complete pedagogical qualification as defined in Act No. 563/2004. The need to address the issue of technical teacher education in the Czech Republic is reflected in the many activities that are aimed at finding answers to questions about the objectives, assessment of the quality of teachers and study programs respectively, and institutions that provide these accredited studies. The paper deals with engineering education and educational psychological preparation of teachers of technical subjects. This indicates the specifics of education in the Czech Republic, confronting them also with foreign experience.