Lifelong Learn. 2013, 3, 60-78

Teaching in Symbiosis with the Needs of the Brain

Monika Máčajová

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra pedagogiky, Drážovska 4, 949 01 Nitra, Slovenská republika

Despite of many worldwide economic problems, every developed society focuses its interest on education. This is undoubtedly caused by the fact that the societies have realized that education is the only way to progress and life quality improvement. Therefore, all educational systems in any period of their development have been making their efforts to seek and find newer approaches to more effective learning and teaching. The present study contributes to the line of works that look for new ways of education through discovering and learning principles of the functioning of the human brain. The paper introduces and explains teaching procedures which respect the needs of the brain. A specific emphasis is put on a) brain activity in various periods; b) evaluation procedures related to the theory of brain‑compatible learning; c) the need to articulate new knowledge and problem solving procedures with respect to optimal stimulation of the brain.