Publication Ethics

The journal strictly adheres to generally accepted principles of publication ethics. Publication ethics of the journal represents a summary of moral principles editor, reviewers and authors adhere to. The purpose is to introduce the standards required and observed when publishing the journal to everyone concerned.

Originality of the manuscript

For publication in the Journal of Lifelong Learning only original manuscripts are accepted which has not already been published anywhere else. The editor does not accept manuscripts which are currently submitted for review process to another journal or publisher. The editor does the primary assessment of originality. Assessment of originality is subject to review process. In case that editor or reviewer discovers conflict in originality of the manuscript (plagiarism), author or the group of authors will be notified and the review process will be ended.

Review process

Articles accepted for Empirical study and Theoretical study sections are assessed by two independent reviewers. The reviewers are proposed by the editor-in-chief, after the discussion with the editorial staff, from the specialists, whose specialization is in accordance with the issue of the manuscript. Reviewers are approved by the editorial board of the journal.

Person, who works at the same workplace as the author or any of the members of the team of authors, cannot become a reviewer. In case that the reviewer would doubt about the conflict of interests because of the authorship of the manuscript, according to the editorial rules, he has to report it to the editor and a new reviewer will be chosen.

Reviewers should critically evaluate content and form of the manuscript. Their notes for the editor and comments for the author in order to improve quality of the manuscript are provided in a form of review report. The editor guarantees that thanks to his procedures, both author and the reviewer remain anonymous.

The editorial board decides, based on the results of the review process, which manuscript will be published. During the decision-making process editor follows professional profile, mission and strategic objectives of the journal.


The editor of the journal attempts to prevent plagiarism by all means available. Plagiarism is considered to be use of someone other’s text or its part and claiming it as own work, without being properly quoted; copying graphic elements without quoting and reference to original source; intentional omission of any used sources; not adhering to citation ethics (e.g. non-quoted sources, incorrect or insufficient quotation, unmarked verbatim quotation, insufficient reference in the text, incorrect paraphrasing, unquoted source of adopted thought) and not quoting own papers used in the new text.

Author should avoid plagiarism by all means.

front cover

ISSN 1804-526X (Print) ISSN 1805-8868 (Online)
