Review Process

Articles published in Empirical study and Theoretical study sections of the journal are submitted to two-round review process:

First round of the review process

First assessment of the manuscript is done by the editor of the journal. If the text meets formal requirements for scientific paper and it is appropriate thematically for the journal, it is submitted to the second round of the review process. In case that the article does not meet the requirements, editor returns it to the author for revision or he will reject to publish it.

Second round of the review process

In the second round of the review process the text is assessed by two independent reviewers. The review process is double-blind. The editor adheres to the principle that none of the reviewers is a member of the same workplace as the author or any of the co-authors or in any other way is in conflict of interest concerning the reviewed manuscript. In case that both of the review reports recommend the text for publication, the review process is completed and it is accepted for publication. If one or both reviewers demand revision (precisely specified in the comment of the review report), the author is requested to address these concerns in the revised text. The reviewer assesses whether these were incorporated sufficiently. In case one of the reports recommends the publication but the second not, the editor will demand the third review. Based on the additional review report the editor decides whether the article will be published or not. The author will receive all anonymous review reports electronically at the e-mail address he provided for communication with the editorial board usually within one month since submitting the manuscript to the editor.

Assessed criteria are stated in the review report (in Czech), (in English).

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ISSN 1804-526X (Print) ISSN 1805-8868 (Online)
