Lifelong Learn. 2017, 7, 92-117

Development of Professional Competencies of Teachers in the Slovak Republic through Update Training

Mária Pisoňová

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra pedagogiky, Dražovská cesta 4, 949 74 Nitra, Slovensko

Received March 29, 2016
Accepted October 8, 2016

Currently, in Slovakia, there appear many discussions about the benefits of individual kinds of continuous training for teacher’s work. The topic of the empirical study is, therefore, analysis of continuous training of primary and lower-secondary level teachers with the emphasis on update training. When creating the content, professional literature by authors who focus in their scientific activities on andragogy and pedeutology e.g. I. Pavlov, G. Porubská (Petrová), B. Kosová, J. Veteška, B. Lazarová, B. Kasáčová etc. was used. When preparing the study we also used Slovak legislative standards and regulations which define conditions and requirements for continuous training. For the purpose of comparison of certain terms, it was necessary to use also Czech source documents. In the article, we identified the motivational factors which incited primary and lower-secondary level teachers (further only on primary level) to participate in continuous training. The focus of the study was on the importance of update training for teaching practice. Based on this we were able to objectively evaluate the benefits of the presented type of training for the practice and therefore define barriers in the implementation of its content into educational programmes or the educational reality. The obtained data pointed out certain deficiencies of continuous training which are related mainly to the expectations of the respondents and with the overall mission of lifelong learning of the teachers. Based on the obtained data topics for discussion and practical suggestions were formulated with the aim to develop educational science.