Lifelong Learn. 2018, 8, 61-85

Design of Teacher Training Curricula in the Area of Didactic Technological Competences: Results of the Pilot Research

Ján Záhorec

Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Pedagogická fakulta, Ústav pedagogických vied a štúdií, Katedra didaktiky prírodovedných predmetov v primárnom vzdelávaní, Šoltésovej 4, 813 34 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Received November 28, 2017
Accepted January 12, 2018

The author in the contribution presents a conceptual and methodological background of a research aimed at improving pre-graduate teacher training in the area of didactic technological competences. The main goal of the prepared research is to modernize and optimize relevant parts of study programs of teacher trainees at Slovak higher education institutions, i.e. to optimize inclusion of the relevant subjects into the study programs, as to both their content and time allocation. Following this goal, in the first phase of the research, there has been prepared a questionnaire survey of the current state and perspectives of the continuing professional development of primary and secondary school teachers contributing to their didactic technological competences improvement and development. In the paper, there are summarized main results of the pilot test of the created questionnaire, the purpose of which was to verify the questionnaire reliability. The data gathered in the pilot test were processed and the reliability of the created questionnaire was approved by means of reliability/item analysis. The total reliability of the questionnaire was calculated through the Cronbach alpha coefficient. The obtained results show a high level of the internal consistency of the created research tool and ensure a reliability of the broader research data collection which will follow.