Keyword index
- career-relevant work experience
- career adaptability
- career choice
- career competences
- career counseling
- career counselling
- career counsellor
- career counsellor profile
- career counsellors
- career decision-making
- career decisionmaking
- career development
- career education
- career management skills
- career maturity
- career relevance of the study
- career system
- case study
- change of attitudes
- character strengths
- child
- child care
- children
- choice of branch of study
- choice of further course of education and career
- choice of the further education and further profession
- cigarettes
- classic model of school system
- coaching
- coeducation
- cognitive training
- cohabitation
- collège
- Comenius
- Comenius' principles
- commitment to study
- communication
- communication competencies
- communication skills
- company education
- comparative pedagogy
- comparative study
- competence
- competences
- competencies
- competency-based medical education (CBME)
- competency model
- competition
- comprehensive school
- computer
- confirmatory factor analysis
- constructivism
- content
- content analysis
- continuing teacher development
- continuous training
- control
- cooperation
- cooperative education
- coping strategies
- coronavirus pandemic
- corporate education
- counselling
- counselling services evaluation
- Covid-19
- creativity
- critical thinking
- cross-curricular themes
- cultural competencies
- cultural diversity
- culture
- curiosity
- curricular reform
- curriculum
- curriculum design
- cyber bullying
- Czech primary schools