Keyword index
- paradigm of science
- parenting
- parenting learning
- parents
- part-time studies
- participatory action research
- participatory teaching
- partnership
- patchwork family
- patterns of behaviour
- pedagogical competences
- pedagogical innovations
- pedagogical communication
- Pedagogical Competence Development Centre
- pedagogical programmes students
- pedagogical research
- peer learning
- peers
- perception
- personality
- personality and social development of educators
- personality changes
- personality characteristics
- personality traits
- phases of change process
- PhD education
- physical activity
- physical condition
- physical education
- physical literacy
- plagiarism
- positive education
- Positive Life Scenario
- positive school climate
- postmodern society
- potential for entrepreneurship competencies
- power enforcing
- power relations
- practical (interpretative) approach
- practical training didactics
- practical vocational training
- practice requirements
- preconceptions
- preference of the study
- preparation of teachers
- prerequisite
- preschool child
- preschool children
- prevention
- preventive education
- primary and lower secondary school teachers
- primary school
- primary/secondary motivational factors
- prison education
- prison teacher
- prison teacher competencies
- problem solving
- professiogram of social andragogue
- professional activities and characteristics of a university teacher
- professional and scientific creativity of youth
- professional competencies
- professional competency
- professional competency profile of social andragogue
- professional development
- professional development of teachers
- professional learning community
- professional orientation
- professional training
- professionalization
- project
- projected curriculum
- psycho-didactics
- psychological changes
- psychological process
- psychology
- psychomotor skills
- psychosocial dimension
- public administration
- pulse learning
- pupil
- pupil participation
- pupils’ behaviour
- pupils with special educational needs
- pygmalion effect