Lifelong Learn. 2020, 10, 157-173
Cooperation of Children and Seniors Through the Lens of Research
The goal of the authors of this empirical study is to present the results of research on the effectiveness of the intervention program focused on co-educational activities of children and seniors living in social service homes. Program creators and implementers are convinced that the interaction of children and seniors, having different forms and contexts (communication, educational, sports, artistic, work, relaxation, etc.), has the potential to influence inner experience and its subsequent manifestation of behaviour in all participants. Used research tools (Child Mental Health Problems Questionnaire, Rohner’s Personality Assessment Questionnaire for Children, Satisfaction with Life Scale for Old Age) pointed out that the program had a facilitating and developing effect on some psychological characteristics related to the quality of life of participants. In children, there was a reduction in symptoms of problem behaviour and a higher rate of adequate emotional manifestations. In the elderly, there was an increased level of overall subjective satisfaction and reduction of negative emotional manifestations.
cooperative education, intergenerational relations, children, seniors, social service home, research, quality of life.