Lifelong Learn. 2024, 14, 127-143

They‘re Different, but They‘re Not Bad.“ Stress and Job Demands of Teachers of Marginalized Roma Communities in Slovakia

Mária Ďurkovská, Michal Kentoš

Centrum spoločenských a psychologických vied SAV, Spoločenskovedný ústav, Karpatská 5, 040 01 Košice, Slovenská republika

Received June 5, 2024
Accepted October 31, 2024

This paper aims to report the results of qualitative research on the stress and job demands of teachers of marginalized Roma communities in Slovakia. Due to the specificity of the research problem and the desire to explore areas based on teachers’ personal experiences, we applied the semi-structured interview method. The subject of the semi- structured interview was mainly the factors influencing the stress of MRC teachers and their work demands. The research population consisted of teachers of segregated schools in the Košice and Prešov regions. Six interviews were conducted. Preliminary results of our research on MRC teachers indicate the behaviour of pupils and parents as teachers’ stressors. In the case of work demands, MRC teachers are particularly exposed to specific work and psychological ones that teachers of the majority population do not face. These demands are related to the lack of home preparation of pupils, the poorly stimulating family environment, as well as the emotional reactions of Roma pupils and their parents. In addition, teachers reported an enormous amount of administrative work, minimal assistance from the state, and problems with the school founder. One of the options for coping with these challenges can be lifelong learning, which can help teachers strengthen their professional readiness and resilience, especially in the field of inclusive education and conflict resolution, and at the same time support the development of positive relationships with colleagues and school management. This relational aspect is substantial for managing work stress and maintaining psychological well-being, as it provides space for interaction, exchange of experiences and building a sense of belonging. The combination of professional training, material support and strong working relationships thus proves to be the key to the motivation and effectiveness of teachers in marginalized communities.


Príspevok vznikol v rámci riešenia projektu VEGA „Wellbeing učiteľov marginalizovaných rómskych komunít“ na základe zmluvy č. 2/0067/23.


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