Lifelong Learn. 2015, 5, 23-31

Basic Elements of Music-Rhythm, Melody, Harmony - from the Point of View of Alternative Waldorf Education and Psychological-neurological Point of View

Jana Konvalinková

Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická, Katedra primárního vzdělávání, Třída 1. máje 14, 460 01 Liberec, Czech Republic

Received April 8, 2015
Accepted June 24, 2015

Waldorf education consciously uses elements of rhythm in the life of a child along with rhythmical activities used for mastering the topics taught. Apart from phenomenon of rhythm also melody of voice, which Waldorf education defines both for the teacher's work and pupil’s development, is emphasized. It observes melodiousness of spoken and sung expression and since the first grade it thoroughly develops child’s strong relation to rhythm, melody and harmony in music. The contribution searches for support and defence of these pedagogical approaches and introduces rhythm, melody and harmony from the psychological-neurological point of view.