Lifelong Learn. 2018, 8, 7-24

Teacher Training in France, Outline of its Development and the Latest Reform

Miroslava Váňová

Univerzita Karlova, Husitská teologická fakulta, Katedra učitelství, Pacovská 350/4, 140 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic

Received February 7, 2018
Accepted May 7, 2018

The study deals with the teacher training in France. It gives an overview of its development and focuses in particular on the latest reform carried out in 2013, which has led to the creation of Higher Schools for Professorship and Education (Ecoles supérieures du professorat et de l’éducation) ESPE. These schools prepare students after obtaining their first university degree (licence) for teacher competitions and the professional master's degree in a two-year study program. They are based on the balance between theoretical instruction and internships in schools and other institutions and they provide a common basis of training for all staff in the field of education, giving them also the basis of a common culture.