Lifelong Learn. 2019, 9, 39-54

Ethics and Plagiarism. Opinions of First-Year Students at University in the Czech Republic

Josef Smolík1, Lucie Herbočková1, Jiří Nesiba2

1Mendelova univerzita v Brně, Fakulta regionálního rozvoje a mezinárodních studií, tř. Generála Píky 2005/7, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
2Newton College, a. s., Ústav humanitních věd, Rašínova 2, 602 00, Brno, Czech Republic

Received November 16, 2018
Accepted February 15, 2019

The text deals with the analysis of the questionnaire survey among firstyear students at the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies of Mendel University, which focused on the issue of plagiarism. Plagiarism is considered to be dishonest behavior, which is mostly done by the students in the academic sphere, however, it can affect all academics. Principles, when someone else’s academic outputs are “taken over” without proper quotations, are generally considered unacceptable. Nevertheless, such excesses still occur. It is caused by expanding information flows, databases providing a large number of academic texts, as well as companies specialized in writing university theses. The aim of this text is, therefore, to discuss the issue of plagiarism and to present the empirical survey carried out among students at the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies. The data were collected in May 2018 using a printed questionnaire. The questionnaire primarily focused on the awareness of plagiarism and the reasons for plagiarism.


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