Lifelong Learn. 2020, 10, 97-104

Benefits of Semi-Leisure Time in the Context of Conversion to Anti-Leisure Time in the Elderly

Kamil Janiš, ml.

Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Fakulta veřejných politik, Ústav pedagogických a psychologických věd, Bezručovo nám. 14, 746 01 Opava, Česká republika

Received January 6, 2020
Accepted January 20, 2020

Leisure time and leisure time activities are commonly used concepts and quality fulfilment of leisure time is considered desirable by the lay public. However, the terms semi-leisure and anti-leisure time are close to a particular group of experts. Although semi-leisure time activities are commonly realized, we do not just refer to them as semi-leisure time activities. For the elderly, however, they may have more benefits than leisure time activities, but it is necessary to understand the fundamental risk of becoming anti-leisure. The paper deals with both of the concepts above in the context of old age. It is written as a discussion paper and therefore asks questions raising polemics. The paper aims to describe the benefits of semi-leisure time for the elderly in the context of risks of anti-leisure. The title of the article is its goal.


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