Lifelong Learn. 2021, 11, 131-145

Transformative Leadership and Teachers Loneliness in the Educational Environment

Lucia Pašková

Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra psychológie, Ružová 13, 974 11 Banská Bystrica, Slovenská republika

Received July 17, 2020
Accepted August 31, 2021

The transformation of education is taking place all over the world, with priority given to the "level" of school management in terms of improving the quality and results of education. Despite this enormous interest, the literature currently does not offer a sufficient theoretical understanding of leadership concepts, especially in the school environment neither in Slovakia. In this paper, we try to characterize one of the most current styles of transformative leadership. This concept is currently the most discussed in professional circles, as the dominant influence of the transformative leader is based on building a relationship between the leader and his followers. And it is thebuilding of a relationship that can be the prevention of employee loneliness manifested in their performance. It is a specific negative emotion that has received little theoretical or empirical attention. The research was carried out in 2020. The research group consisted of 181 teachers of traditional primary schools in central Slovakia. Transformative leadership was measured through the Leadership Behavior Inventory (LPI) and loneliness using the Scale of Loneliness Inventory (LAWS). The SPSS program was used to process the research data. The study is correlated. Our findings clearly show the positive impact of transformative leadership on reducing the loneliness of employees in the school environment, which implies the need to develop the competencies of a transformative leader in teachers and managers in education.


Príspevok vznikol s podporou projektu APVV-17-0557 "Psychologický prístup k tvorbe, implementácii a overovaniu kompetenčného modelu rozvoja lídrov v edukácii" a VEGA a 1/0152/21 "Kompetencie lídra v edukačnom prostredí v kontexte jeho osobnostných predispozícií a efektivity".


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