Lifelong Learn. 2014, 4, 26-41

Gender in Educational Communication

Lucie Zormanová

Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodżi, Wydział zamiejscowy i zamiejscowy ośrodek dydaktyczny we Wodzisławiu Sląskim, ul. 1-go Maja 23 b, 44-304 Wodzisław Sląski, Poland

Received June 23, 2014
Accepted October 1, 2014

The article deals with gender-stereotyped patterns of behaviour in educational communication at lower secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Theoretical background of the issue of pedagogical communication and gender stereotypes was followed by the presentation of findings of quantitative research based on audio record analysis. Research focuses on observations and evaluation of communication in a class and its aim is to find out whether there exists a relation between the pupil’s gender and his communication in the lesson. Results of the pedagogical survey are further compared to the results of previously realised Czech and foreign surveys.